Developing a Spiritual Journal



A journal is a helpful way of keeping up with our spiritual journey. A spiritual journal is different from a regular journal. It is a written record of personal reactions to spiritual matters.

I began keeping a personal spiritual journal several years ago, and I have found it helpful in discovering God's active work in my life.

I keep my journal with my Bible to record import new insights, prayers from the Bible that have been helpful to me, and meaningful passages from spiritual books I am reading. The importance of a spiritual journal is that it gathers strength in helping us with our daily spiritual life, especially if we write in it often. A journal of spiritual materials grows more powerful as it is used.


A helpful way to begin a day entry is to write a brief sentence to record and briefly describe events which are taking place in your life that day. Describe anything which comes to your mind. State the facts recent experiences as briefly as possible and make them a matter of prayer concern.


Bible verses, sermon notes, or phrases that have a special meaning for you. Explore your feelings as you study the Bible. Experiences that have been meaningful to you should be added. New awareness of God's revealing himself to you should be included.

Quotes from books that are meaningful to you.

Any thoughts that come to your mind. Note any images that touch your life. (Example: An eagle crossing the sky)

Note especially feelings you have. Write how you feel about events, persons, ideas, and relationships.

What books are you reading? Keep a list of books you read. Write phrases from these books in your journal.

Note "anything that rings a bell in your life" in your journal.

Every month summarize the month. What were key events that happened?


Write fast, write everything, include everything. Write from your feeling, accept whatever comes to mind, and note it in your journal.

As you begin, ask this question: "What is the most important thing going on in my life right now?"

Begin with an image. "This period of my life has been like a narrow bridge."

Write all "the feelings" you have in one day.

Keep photographs, news clippings, and notes of world events.


Feelings, descriptions, reflections (re-looking at the past), images, thought, and "whatever comes to mind" are what should be included in your journal. Keep lists of events, past happenings, or important events that have happened in your own life. Dialogue with yourself. Carry on an imaginary conversation with yourself. This can be helpful.

In summary, your spiritual journal is the key to developing your spiritual life. Work hard with it and your life will be greatly enriched.

From:  How to develop a Spiritual Journal by Dan Phillips


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