A Monastic Method of Lectio Divina


Preliminary comments: The monastic way is unstructured, in a sense methodless. One reads or listens to the Word of God and then the only process is to follow the direction of the Spirit.

For example: As you listen, you may be aware of the phrase, sentence or even one word that catches your attention. Or sit with the phrase, sentence, or word, repeating it gently over and over in your heart, not thinking about it but just being with it...(ruminating);

Or be aware of any prayer that rises up within you that expresses what you are experiencing in this Word of God (responding) 

Or just rest in the phrase, sentence, or even one word, resting with God beyond your thoughts and reflections in the power of God's Word.

Read the passage slowly (with appropriate pauses) a number of times.Allow one and a half to three minutes of silence after each reading.

Closing Prayer: 

Almighty God, thank you for the gift of resting with your Word. May we take the phrase, sentence, or even one word that spoke to us and the prayer that came from our hearts into the activity of our day as a reminder of our genuine desire to consent to your presence and action in our lives. We pray that we may become this Word through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

From:A Taste of Silence 
Carl Arico

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