One-day Retreat

Be still, and know that I am God 

Ps 46:10


This silence is not the exclusive prerogative of monasteries or convents. This simple prayerful silence is everybody's silence - or if it isn't, it should be. It  belongs to every Christian who loves God, to every Jew who has heard in his heart the echoes of God's voice in his prophets, to everyone whose soul has risen in search of truth,  in search of God,  for where noise is - inward noise and confusion - there God is not.

Silence, solitudes are not necessarily places but states of mind and heart. These deserts can be found in the midst of the city, and in the every day of our lives. They will be small solitudes, tiny pools of silence, but the experience they will bring, if we are disposed to enter them, may be as exultant and as holy as all the deserts of the world, even the one God himself entered. For it is God who makes solitude holy.


Catherine de Hueck Doherty


One-Day Silent Retreat Schedule

6 am - Morning Psalm reading and two 20 minute prayer periods of Prayer of the Heart with a 5 minute meditative walk in between.

7 am - Eat breakfast, clean up, get some simple exericse - walk or swim, etc.

8:30 am - read, journal, draw, sleep, paint, do ceramic pottery, scrapbooking, or some kind of art expression.... do whatever is restful and opens you to the awareness of God's Presence.

11:30 am - Meditate on a noon prayer and liturgy. Do a lectio reading. Then, eat lunch, clean up, and spend time sitting outside and in a leisurely walk.

1:00 pm - Take a nap



2 pm - Participate in some kind of something creative, cleaning project, meet with a spiritual director, journal, walk on the beach, do some kind of manual labor. Respect the practice of the Presence of God in solitude and silence.

5 pm - Do two 20 minute periods of Prayer of the Heart practice with a 5 minute meditative walk in between. 

6 pm - Pray an evening prayer including intercessions, eat dinner, clean up and rest. You may wish to participate in your church community as you feel the lead.

8:30 Do one 25 minute Prayer of the Heart silent sitting.

9 pm Pray a night prayer and journal for a few minutes the happenings of the day with expressions of self awareness, openings to new life, and gratitude. 

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