A Scholastic Method of Lectio Divina...

1. Lectio (Listening to the Word of God or Reading God's Word) 

As we listen to the Word of God for the first time, I invited you to be aware of any word or phrase that catches your attention. Read the passage slowly with appropriate pauses. Allow one minute of silence for reflection. .....share out loud (share on line) with the whole group if you feel moved to do so... .....what was the word or phrase that caught your attention in the reading? After sharing allow a few moments of silence in order that what was heard may sink deeper within.

2. Meditatio (Reflecting on the Word of God)

As we listen to the Word of God for the second time you are invited to be aware of any reflection or thought that you become aware of as you listen.....a reflection or a thought. Read the passage slowly with appropriate pauses. Allow one minute of silence for reflection. Ask the listeners to share out loud with the whole group if they are moved to do so... what reflection or thought emerged? After sharing allow a few moments of silence in order that what was heard might sink deeper within.

3. Oratio (Responding to the Word of God)

Affective Prayer to be aware of any prayer that rises up within you that expresses what are experiencing in this Word of God. Read the passage slowly with appropriate pauses. Allow one minute of silence for reflection. Ask the listeners to share with the whole group if moved to do so.....a prayer that expresses what they are experience in this Word of God. After sharing allow a few moments of silence in order that what was heard might sink deeper within.

4. Contemplatio (Resting in the Word of God) Contemplation

As we listen to the Word of God for a fourth time, I invite you to just sit with the Word of God and allow God to speak to you in the silence of your hearts. God's first language is silence. Read the passage slowly with appropriate pauses. Allow three or four minutes of silence.

Closing Prayer

Almighty God, thank you for the gift of your Word. May we take the word or phrase that spoke to us, the thought that we became aware of, and the prayer that came from our hearts into the activity of our day (the time of this retreat) as a reminder of our genuine desire to consent to your presence and action in our lives. We pray this prayer through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

From:A Taste of Silence 
Carl Arico

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